An anonymized version of the dataset used in our paper is available for the research community. If you are interested in using this data, please send us an email according to the Request Data section and indicate which of following parts you need in the email.
Posts Dataset: In CSV format, contains information like posts index, type of posts, language forum etc. of Sharechat posts.
Images Dataset: In CSV format, contains Image Index, cluster IDs, image hashes computed from PDQ clustering.
You can find the format of the dataset from here.
If you are interested in using this data, please fill the form to to get the link where you can download the data.
We are sharing the dataset under the terms and conditions specified here and following Twitter's Terms of Usage. Please note that submitting the form indicates that you accept the terms and conditions of the data. In the form, please indicate which part of the dataset you need. If you do not get any email notification for your logged request within 24 hours, please e-mail us at netsys.noreply[at] will use the data solely for the purpose of non-profit research or non-profit education.
You will respect the privacy of end users and organizations that may be identified in the data. You will not attempt to reverse engineer, decrypt, de-anonymize, derive or otherwise re-identify anonymized information.
You will not distribute the data beyond your immediate research group.
If you create a publication using our datasets, please cite our papers as follows.
@inproceedings{agarwal2020characterising, title={Characterising User Content on a Multi-lingual Social Network}, author={Agarwal, Pushkal and Garimella, Kiran and Joglekar, Sagar and Sastry, Nishanth and Tyson, Gareth}, booktitle={Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media}, volume={14}, pages={2--11}, year={2020} }